Rainy Day Conquests

Rain can put a damper on your favorite outdoor sports but don't let it ruin the day. While going outside can be dangerous (slippery trails, lightning, decreased visability) you can still get some exercise and excitement indoors. Avalanche has some tips for beating the inclement weather.

Pop in a movie Watch your favorite ski, bike, kayak, surf, snowboard, or other outdoor sport movie. It may not give you much exercise but it is a great way to enjoy the sports you love. Ski movies are great in the summer. The thought of being cool and carving turns sends shivers of anxiousness down my spine. If you don't own any of these types of videos you should. Your favorite outdoors sports store will have a great selection.

Go Shopping Thats right, go shopping. We are not talking about buying a new sofa or a new outfit but outdoor sports equipment. Buying the stuff is not even the fun part. Looking at the new gear for your favorite sports is a learning experience that can help you for when you are serious about buying new gear. Look at the $2500 mountain bike and learn why it is so expensive. If you do want to buy something, not just browse, but big ticket items are not what you have in mind look at the small stuff like life jackets, helemts, back packs, hydration systems, water bottles, knifes, harnesses, rope, chalk bags, and all those other little things that can make you next day outside a little better.

Go Online Other than Avalanche there are many other great websites dedicated to outdoor sports. Check out our links page for many great websites.

Rock Climbing No, not outside, but inside at your local rock gym. It is great exercise, tons of fun, and a great thing to do with a friend. You can go bouldering alone which is climbing in a cave like area that is rarely taller than 10-15 feet with padded floors and no ropes needed or bring a friend and go big on walls that you need a belay (rope) on. Be sure to get a begginers crash course if it is your first time so you know what you are doing.

Arcade / Laser Tag The arcade can provide some excitement with its video games, skee ball, basketball games, car racing, but there are some games that are geared towards you: THE ADVENTURE SEEKER. There are boat racing, kayaking, skiing, skateboarding, snowboarding, jet skiing games and many more with an outdoor theme. The best part of arcades are the laser tag arenas. Once geared up you quikly manuever through a maze of walls and darkness searching for the "enemy." With the right attitude laser tag can really get your heart pumping and keep you busy on a rainy day.

Antigravity Complex Carabassett Valley, Maine has a unique facility for any day or night, the Antigravity Complex (AGC). With a rock climbing wall, basketball courts, indoor track, exercise equipment, large skatepark, two giant trampolines and one trampoline for launching into a foam pit, all indoors you are garunteed to be active and happy. There are places like this in many other areas. Gymnastic Academies with open gyms are also great for a variety of indoor fun. Honestly, like huge trampolines for pulling off your favorite big air tricks, don't worry that it is not gymnastics, it is still fun!

So next time the rain drops keep fallin' on your head go find something to do and don't let the rain ruin your fun.

More information and related media
  • Avalanche Links
  • Kiteboarding Magazine
  • Antigravity Complex